Raise Money for The River by Volunteering at Brat Fest 2023 | The River Food Pantry

You can raise money for The River Food Pantry by volunteering at the World’s Largest Brat Fest this Memorial Day Weekend at Willow Island at the Alliant Energy Center!

When you sign up to volunteer and select ‘The River Food Pantry’ as your charity to support, $10 for every hour you volunteer will be donated to The River—South Central Wisconsin’s busiest food pantry! As a volunteer, you also receive a Brat Fest t-shirt, brat, and ice cream. Plus, you get to enjoy the festival before or after your shift(s)!

What do Brat Fest volunteers do? Grill, cashier, serve brats and corn, count attendees, drive shuttles, stock condiments, make sure the event grounds are clean, etc. Shifts are available May 22–30 to help before, during, and after the event. The festival runs May 26–28. Shifts range from 2.5–4.5 hours. Sign-up is first come first serve. Volunteers must be at least 14 years old.

How to sign up to volunteer at Brat Fest 2023:

  • Visit
  • Click “Signup” and enter your email and password or create a password (remember to reset if you can’t remember)
  • Fill in the form questions: name, phone number, t-shirt size, and select “The River Food Pantry”
  • Verify 14 years of age and must be 18 years of age to grill
  • Select shift(s) you would like to work at Brat Fest 2023
  • Check to make sure all your shifts are correct and download your schedule
  • Go back to home to view your upcoming events

In 2022, 56 people signed up to volunteer in support of The River, which was more than any other participating charity that year. Altogether, this group of awesome volunteers gave 296 hours of service to raise $2,368 for our pantry! We are extremely grateful for everyone’s continued support to help us nourish our Dane County neighbors in need.

For questions about volunteering at Brat Fest, please contact Annie.z@shopmetcalfes.com.

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