Curbside Groceries | The River Food Pantry

Curbside Groceries

Curbside Groceries

Clients can pick up free curbside groceries from The River once a week. The River does not allow clients inside of the facility. Instead, volunteers and staff will load groceries into people’s vehicles.

Our groceries include non-perishables, perishables (e.g., fruit, vegetables, dairy, meat, frozen items), and other essential supplies (e.g., masks, cleaning supplies, personal hygiene items, paper products, diapers, formula). We also provide special dietary items, such as gluten-free boxes, upon request. Each household takes home an average of 70 pounds of groceries per visit.


Day Hours
Tuesday 9:30am–3:00pm (lining up begins at 9:15am)
Wednesday 12:00pm–6:00pm (lining up begins at 11:45am)
Thursday* 9:30am–3:00pm (lining up begins at 9:15am)
Friday* 10:00am–3:00pm (lining up begins at 9:45am)

PLEASE NOTE: Due to circumstances that are out of our control, The River can no longer allow lines of vehicles in the parking lot before our curbside distribution begins. The soonest you can begin forming a line is 15 minutes before we open. Do not come to The River before the line-up times listed above! *Thursdays and Fridays are typically less busy.

When you arrive at The River for curbside groceries, please let a volunteer or staff member know if you need other specific items, such as gluten-free food, baby formula, diapers, or menstrual products. We will do our best to fulfill your requests.

If you are not feeling well and need food, we encourage you to stay home. Please email and ask about setting up a proxy shopper.

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