Rhonda Adams – Executive Director | The River Food Pantry

I was taught early on to serve others when and where I could. My sister and I were raised in a Christian household and learned the teachings of Jesus at a young age. “What you do for the least of my brothers, you do for me.” My life has been about service; twenty-one years in the Army, and now I serve as Executive Director at The River.

Before I came to The River, I was employed ten years as a Division Sales Manager with Avon Products Inc. Leaving the profit-driven corporate world to work at a purpose-driven local food pantry has been a rewarding change and a wonderful fit for me. I spend my days working with our volunteers and clients, linking those who want to help with those in need. I observe every day how my work and the efforts of many others make a positive difference in the lives of those we touch. We’ve all had our share of obstacles and that will always be part of life. I am here as a listening ear, a smiling face, and someone to talk to. I enjoy interacting with our clients and volunteers.

I’m married with two adult sons, Aaron and Elijah. We have three dogs, Nacho, a rescue Chihuahua, and 2 miniature Yorkipoos, Sammy and Simba. They’re terrific lap warmers and full of love. My husband Jim and I enjoy long walks, traveling when we can, and time near water – whether it’s Tenney Park, on a cruise, or in Mexico. I like to cook and bake and try new recipes. We’re fond of Mexican food and Friday Night fish frys when we have the chance to dine out.

Email Rhonda.

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Pantry News

Thoughtful Giving Panel Presentation

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