Your gift to The River, stays right here in your community. The River is Dane County’s busiest food pantry and a local, grassroots nonprofit.
There are many ways you can support The River Food Pantry.
FOOD: Each week, The River serves over 2,500 people throughout Dane County with free groceries, personal care items, and meals. The River needs your help to keep the shelves stocked with a variety of items.
FUNDS: Over 95 cents of every dollar you give to The River goes directly to the people we serve. We spend your donation on food and services for clients and on costs to keep the pantry running, such as rent, utilities, and vehicles. We take pride in keeping our costs low and acting as good stewards of your donations on behalf of our thousands of clients.
COMMUNITY PARTNER: Major investments from foundations and corporate sponsors have enabled The River Food Pantry to continue to support Dane County residents struggling to put food on their tables.
ANNUAL ENGAGEMENT OPPORTUNITIES: This annual sponsorship package covers all The River’s sponsorship opportunities and benefits throughout the year. This customizable package is meant to help organizations, like yours, plan ahead and maximize your impact year-round, while reducing our number of asks.