The Importance of Creating a Will | The River Food Pantry

A will is a document designed to benefit you and your loved ones by ensuring that when you pass, your wishes will be respected and precisely followed. Some of the specific benefits of a well-composed will include:

  • Designating Your Personal Representative (Executor): Without a will, your personal representative will be chosen by the court, which may select someone you would not have chosen yourself. By selecting your executor, you put someone you trust in charge of carrying out your instructions and acting in the best interests of you and your beneficiaries.
  • Naming Your Beneficiaries & Stating How You’d Like Your Assets Distributed: Naming your beneficiaries and the amount you want each to receive leaves no room for reasonable dispute amongst your heirs.
  • Securing Guardianship of Your Choosing for Minor Children: One of the primary reasons for making a will is to name who you want to be your children’s guardian in the event of your death. If you were to pass without a will, your children’s guardian would be determined by the court.
  • Expediting the Probate Process: Having a will can speed up the probate process since it allows your executor to access your clearly stated instructions without having to ask the court for additional permissions, e.g. to sell real estate. This will not only prevent delays; it will smooth the path for your family members during a challenging period.
  • Avoiding Intestate Succession: Dying without a will (intestate) leaves no information about how you want your property distributed. Wisconsin’s laws of intestate succession will determine your heirs and the portion of your wealth they will receive.

Although wills are not always the easiest topic to think or talk about, they are important. They put your words and wishes into action, providing empowerment and peace of mind. Once you decide to take the important step of creating your will, you’ll require the services of an attorney with in-depth knowledge of state and federal laws.

The attorneys at Borakove Osman LLC have more than a decade of experience in estate planning and a reputation for being capable and caring. Peter Osman, Attorney with Borakove Osman LLC, is on The River’s Resource Council and would be more than happy to schedule your free initial consultation! Learn more here.

This blog post was written by Danelle Kimble of Borakove Osman LLC.

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