Services - The River Food Pantry | The River Food Pantry


The River exists to serve our Dane County neighbors who are struggling to make ends meet. Behind every place and every product, there’s a person and a neighbor in need. We believe that in times of hardship, it shouldn’t be hard to ask for help.

At The River, you will find healthy food options and basic necessities in a dignified and respectful manner. Regardless of stage or circumstance, we want to serve you, our neighbors, with compassion to help create connections and sustain a healthy community.

Pantry News

The Importance of Creating a Will

A will is a document designed to benefit you and your loved ones by ensuring that when you pass, your wishes....

The River’s free summer meal program serving 24 neighborhoods throughout Madison and Fitchburg

The River Food Pantry’s Munch Mobile Meals program has distributed an average of 253 nutritious meals....